Not For Sale

Apr 21, 2024    Rev. Steve Albertin

In a world of danger, there are endless hired hands who offer to protect us for a price. Everyone is for sale. But the hired hands only care about their bottom line. When it costs them too much, they abandon us.

Jesus warns us about the hired hands who make promises they cannot or will no keep. When the wolves show up, they are gone.

BUT, there is The Good Shepherd who unlike any “hired hand” needs to make no deal. He has no bottom line to defend. He only cares about loving His sheep.

He lays down his life for his sheep, even unto death on a cross. He is willing to stand up to the wolves and let himself be sacrificed all for the sake of his sheep.

In world of disappointment and suspicion, where every hired hand seems fake, the Good Shepherd calls out our names, assuring us that we have nothing to fear. With no conditions to be met or deals to be made, we are safe in His flock. We can count on Him who is NOT FOR SALE.

No longer afraid or despairing, we are free . . . to love the world and give ourselves away just like the Good Shepherd who gave himself up for us.