
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Our Mission is to be the Heart, Hands and Voice of Christ to a world in need.  

We offer on-site, local and global initiatives to serve God's people.

Mission is a Way of Life at King of Glory

On-Site Missions

From Friendship Bible Study (weekly gatherings for adults with disabilities) to offering our facility for use by non-profit organizations (including Scouts, a Swedish School, Chinese Orchestra and Dance Groups, Carmel Symphony, Recitals, Blood Drives and more) we welcome the community to use our space free of charge

Local & Global Missions

With the ever growing need of people finding themselves struggling to make ends meet we are actively involved with families at Nora Elementary, clients of The Sharing Place, Youth Mission Trips and support of our Missionary, Karen Anderson, in Chili

Encourage our active missionaries

Write and encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.