The Exorcist

Jan 28, 2024    Rev. Steve Albertin

In today’s Gospel Jesus drives out/exorcises an unclean spirit/demon/Devil from a man.

The demonic is real. The devil is recognized not by his appearance but by what he says.

The devil tells lies about God: God cannot be trusted! God is your judge and enemy. You must prove yourself.

The devil tries to thwart Jesus’ love for the possessed man with a lie.

Jesus silences the devil. Jesus is the enemy of the devil and the savior of those who are possessed.

Jesus wants to assure all the possessed of the world that God loves them. They can trust God. That is the point of Jesus’ exorcism of the unclean spirit.

Exorcisms continue in the life of the church and in our daily lives as we thwart the lie of the devil and love the world.