Worship on the Sunday of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

Mar 2, 2025    Rev. Erik Allen

Welcome to worship at King of Glory Worship and Ministry Center in Carmel, IN!

On this Sunday of the Transfiguration, let us worship the one who transforms us all!

Today, we welcome new members into our community!

If you are able, we invite you to join us for communion where you are! You may use any kind of bread and either wine or grape juice, so that you may also receive the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

For the full order of worship, please go to https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/3MJJJC/_source/81122d19-c14e-4d0c-950d-4d4a0a33a0cc/document.pdf

Organ Prelude:

   - "Beautiful Savior" (arr. T. Smith & D. Hustad)

Choral Offering:

   - "Come to the House of the Lord" (Charles McCartha)


   - "Lord I Need You"

   - "Let The Redeemed"

   - "I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light" (ELW 815)

   - "Beautiful Savior" (ELW 838 , vs 1)

   - "Shine Jesus Shine"


   - "I Want to Walk as A Child Of The Light" (J. Wayne Kerr)


   - Exodus 34:29-35

   - Luke 9:28-43

Children's Message:

   - "They Will Know You Are Christians, How?" - Rev. Erik Allen

       - How does someone know who or what kind of person you are? Is is a hat? The clothes you wear? Pastor Erik discusses with the kids how we let others know we're Christians.


   - "Mountain Top Views" - Rev. Erik Allen

       - We listen and learn to trust God in the waters of baptism. In the reprieve of worship, we are refreshed! On this day we listen with Peter, James, and John, to the voice of God who inspires awe and wonder; who raises us from death to life—empowers us to tell others how God’s own glory has shown down on us, and reminded us that where God’s glory is there ours is also.

Don't forget, you can give your offering online at https://kogcarmel.org/give

We invite you to join us every Sunday at 10am!

Go in peace and serve the Lord!

All music and videos used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

Some content courtesy of Worship Audio Tracks and Igniter Media.

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