Worship on the Sunday of Epiphany

Jan 12, 2025    Rev. Erik Allen

Welcome to worship at King of Glory Worship and Ministry Center in Carmel, IN!

On this Sunday of Epiphany, let us worship the one whose light we follow!

If you are able, we invite you to join us for communion where you are! You may use any kind of bread and either wine or grape juice, so that you may also receive the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

For the full order of worship, please go to https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/3MJJJC/_source/745cd7c7-8676-4597-a127-06ecb583b94d/document.pdf

Organ Prelude:

   - "Partita on O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright" (Jan Bender)


   - "Joy Has Dawned"

   - "We Three Kings Of Orient Are"

   - "Brightest and Best of the Stars" (ELW 303)

   - "Accept, O Lord, the Gifts We Bring" (ELW 691)

   - "Rejoice With Exceeding Great Joy"

Organ Postlude:

   - "As With Gladness Men of Old" (arr. T Smith & D Husted)


   - Isaiah 60:1-6

   - Matthew 2:1-12

Children's Message:

   - "The Best Gifts" - Rev. Erik Allen

        - What kinds of gifts bring meaning? How do we know what kinds of gifts are the best? Pastor Erik discusses with the kids what kinds of gifts are important.


   - "Follow the Light" - Rev. Erik Allen

       - What does it mean to follow the light of Christ? Pastor Erik explores the obstacles the magi would've run into when they reached the place where the start led them to, and explains how we can follow their example in our world today.

Don't forget, you can give your offering online at https://kogcarmel.org/give

We invite you to join us every Sunday at 10am!

Go in peace and serve the Lord!

All music and videos used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

Some content courtesy of Worship Audio Tracks and Igniter Media.

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