Rescued from the Ditch

Aug 25, 2024    Rev. Steve Albertin

Like the Lawyer, we all live our lives wondering what we HAVE TO do to have lives that are meaningful and worthwhile. We may not want the approval of God, but we certainly want the approval of those who are “gods” in our lives.

In order to justify himself, the Lawyer like us wants to know who is his neighbor and who is not.

Jesus answers his/our question with the parable of the Good Samaritan, a story with which we have become so familiar that we have become immune to the surprise it wants spring on us.

On the road to Jericho, a fellow gets beat up, robbed and left for dead in the ditch. Religious leaders, a priest and a Levite, with more important things to do, pass by on the other side.

BUT here the story surprises everyone! The one who does help the victim is a hated SAMARITAN! This is a guy who takes being a neighbor seriously, even to the point of taking all kinds of risks to help a mortal enemy lying in the ditch.

It is impossible for us to love like that! When we realize that, Jesus has exposed us for the sinners we are and put us in the ditch. Jesus has us where he wants us. There Jesus comes to rescue us. Jesus is the Good Samaritan.

Rescued from the ditch we no longer HAVE TO worry about what we MUST DO to be right. Instead, we GET TO go and be a Good Samaritan for others.