Worship During the Season of Pentecost

Jun 23, 2024    Rev. Steve Albertin

Welcome to worship at King of Glory Worship and Ministry Center in Carmel, IN!

On this Sunday during Pentecost, let us worship the one who presides over sea and land, sunshine and storm!

If you are able, we invite you to join us for communion where you are! You may use any kind of bread and either wine or grape juice, so that you may also receive the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

We'll get started shortly! Feel free to chat with the community until then!

For the full order of worship, please go to https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/3MJJJC/_source/0fa913d8-e4aa-4a02-a4db-bb70681ab48d/document.pdf

Organ Prelude:

   - "A mighty fortress is our God" (Dietrich Buxtehude)

Today's Songs:

   - "Speak O Lord"

   - "Now the Feast and Celebration" (ELW 167)

   - "Be Ye Glad"

   - "How Great Is Our God"

   - "We Are An Offering" (ELW 692)

   - "The Battle Belongs To The Lord"

Organ Postlude:

   - "Fugue in b minor" (Johann Sebastian Bach)

Today's Readings:

   - Job 38:1-11

   - Mark 4:35-41

Today's Children's Message

   - Rev. Steve Albertin

Today's Message

   - "WHY?" - Rev. Steve Albertin

      - “Why do bad things happen to good people?” is the essential question raised by the Book of Job.

      - Job is Bill Gates and Billy Graham all rolled into one. But then Job loses everything. Surely then he will curse God. But Job remains patient.

      - But in Chapters 3-37 we see a very different Job. He demands an explanation from God for his suffering.

      - God finally answers Job (chapter 38). But this isn’t the answer Job wanted: “Job, who do you think you are? I (God) don’t have to explain myself to you!”

      - The message: Neither life nor God are manageable or understandable. To persist in demanding an explanation for our suffering only reveals our sinful desire to be God . . . just like Adam and Eve before us.

      - Instead we have new questions: Why does God still love us even when we behave so badly?

      - For that question God has an answer: Jesus!

      - God offers no explanation for evil and suffering. But God does offer a solution: Jesus!

Don't forget, you can give your offering online at https://kogcarmel.org/give

We invite you to join us every Sunday at 10am!

Go in peace and serve the Lord!

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Some content courtesy of Worship Audio Tracks and Igniter Media.

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