Worship on Good Friday

Mar 29, 2024    Rev. Steve Albertin

Welcome to worship at King of Glory Worship and Ministry Center in Carmel, IN!

On this Friday of the Crucifixion, let us remember the one who died for our salvation!

Some notes about Good Friday:

   - This service is a version of the ancient Office of Tenebrae traditionally sung during Holy Week. As we contemplate the seven last words of Jesus from the cross, the lights are gradually extinguished and the Sanctuary descends into darkness, symbolizing the death and burial of our Lord. The congregation then leaves in darkness (Tenebrae) and silence…in anticipation of the resurrection.

   - This day is the second portion of the liturgy of the Three Days, which extends from Maundy Thursday through Easter. As the church gathers to remember the death of Jesus, we focus not only upon the agony of the cross, but especially upon God’s victory through the crucified. Even more, we “lift high the cross” as the sign of God’s triumph over sin, death, and evil.

For the full order of worship, please go to https://cdn.subsplash.com/documents/3MJJJC/_source/1ff6600c-3d0b-463d-9f7f-f573ef8a6be4/document.pdf

Today's Songs:

   - "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (ELW 803)

   - "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded" (ELW 351, vs 1 & 4)

   - "Were You There" (ELW 353)

Today's Readings:

   - Isaiah 52:13-53:12

   - Psalm 22:1-25

   - Luke 23:39-43

Today's Message

   - "Voices of the Passion"

   - "Thief on the Cross, Repentant Believer" - Rev. Steve Albertin

       - During Lent and Holy Week, we revisit the story of Jesus’ suffering and death as told from the perspective of various characters in the drama of Jesus’ passion. As they speak to us, we will discover how their story is also our story. We were there. We participated. We are the ultimate beneficiaries of the greatest story ever told.

       - Today, we hear from the Thief on the Cross, Repentant Believer.

Don't forget, you can give your offering online at https://kogcarmel.org/give

Be sure to join us Sunday at 10am for Easter, as we celebrate Christ's Resurrection!

We invite you to join us every Sunday at 10am!

Join us this coming Sunday at 10am, as we begin our Holy Week journey with Palm Sunday!

Go in peace and serve the Lord!

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Some content courtesy of Worship Audio Tracks and Igniter Media.

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